LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm

Producers > Leuchtie > LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm

LEUCHTIE sa ručne vyrába v malej manufaktúre v meste Weiden, Bavorsko. Na výrobu používajú vlastné vyvinuté, vysoko špecializované nástroje. Nielen na výrobu, ale aj na použitý materiál sú kladené najvyššie požiadavky. Takmer všetky inštalované časti sú výrobky vyvinuté na mieru spoločne s regionálnymi dodávateľmi. Výroba je zameraná na čo najväčšiu bezpečnosť psov i ľudí, preto je obojok viditeľný v tme zo všetkých strán a na veľké vzdialenosti. Toto robí LEUCHTIE najkvalitnejším LED obojkom zabezpečujúcim maximálnu funkčnosť. Od roku 2003 pokračuje vývoj a zdokonaľovanie LEUCHTIE s vlastnými psami a v spolupráci s jednotkami záchranárskych psov - samozrejme v praxi, nie na stole. Všetky LEUCHTIE obojky sú vodotesné.

Dôverujte LEUCHTIE pre bezpečnosť vášho psa - spoľahlivý a preverený stovky tisíckrát od roku 2003.

Leuchtie Plus

obzvlášť ekonomický

prevádzka na lacné AAA batérie
najpredávanejší model
extra dlhý čas svietenia: cca 100 hod.

Leuchtie Easy Charge (Premium/Pro)

extrémne žiarivý, pre dlhú srsť

nabíjateľný cez USB
maximálna svetelnosť bez blednutia
čas svietenia: cca 25 - 120 hod. (záleží na farbe)

Leuchtie Mini

pre malé plemená psov

prevádzka na lacné AAAA batérie
extrémne ľahký
dlhý čas svietenia: cca 50 hod.
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LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm

In Stock:1
Usually ships in: Shipment within 24 hours
Your price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
Available variants
Available in 11 variants
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 35 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 37,5 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 37,5 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 37,5 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 40 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 40 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 40 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 42,5 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 42,5 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 42,5 cm
Availability: On request
You save: 11%
Old Price: 43,99 EUR
Product Price: 39,59 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 45 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 45 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 45 cm
Availability: On request
Old Price: 49,90 EUR
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 47,5 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 47,5 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 47,5 cm
Availability: On request
You save: 11%
Old Price: 43,99 EUR
Product Price: 39,59 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 50 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 50 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 50 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 52,5 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 52,5 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 52,5 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 55 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 55 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 55 cm
Availability: Shipment within 24 hours
Product Price: 49,90 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 57,5 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 57,5 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 57,5 cm
Availability: On request
You save: 11%
Old Price: 43,99 EUR
Product Price: 39,59 EUR
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 60 cm
LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 60 cm
Product Name: LED Light dog collar LEUCHTIE Plus green 60 cm
Availability: On request
You save: 11%
Old Price: 43,99 EUR
Product Price: 39,59 EUR


Enormously bright LED dog collar.
- particularly economical: extra long burn time of approx. 100 hours
- operation with low-cost batteries type AAA
- highly recommended for frequent users
- 100 % waterproof
- handcrafted in Germany
- will be delivered with attachment loop


Easy handling
Just pull the LEUCHTIE over the dog's head: It switches on automatically if the battery pack is facing downward. If the battery pack is facing upward, it will turn off after approx. 1 minute.

Particularly low running costs
Just 1 set of batteries for the whole winter!
Commercially available AAA alkaline batteries guarantee extremely low battery costs of approx. 1 Cent per hour. The LEUCHTIE Plus is a great alternative to rechargeable LED dog collars.

Extremely long burn time
You do not have to worry about the energy supply for many months. After approx. 100 hours simply and quickly replace the batteries - and your LEUCHTIE is ready for use again for many more months.

Enormously bright on all sides
Very bright and hand-picked LEDs make your dog visible from all sides and hundreds of me-tres away, guaranteeing the greatest safety possible for dogs and humans.

100 % waterproof
Swimming and diving are possible.

Durable and reliable
LEUCHTIE stands for the highest quality: Extremely robust, completely reliable and globally proven in its use hundreds of thousands of times since 2003.

Protection against loss
The provided attachment loop that is fastened to the collar or harness prevents the LEUCHTIE from getting lost.

Strong luminous colours
Thanks to the range of colours and colour combinations available dogs are clearly visible over large distances and can easily be differentiated in the dark.

Made in Germany
Since 2003, we have been crafting LEUCHTIEs at our facility in Weiden / Bavaria.

Social responsibility
A part of the preparatory tasks is carried out in curative educational centres and makes it possible to provide people with physical or mental disabilities with individual support.
We avoid the exploitation of people and the environment that is typical of production in low-wage countries as far as possible and act consistently:
We manufacture our LEUCHTIEs in Germany and attach great importance to quality when se-lecting our materials and suppliers.

LEUCHTIE is not a disposal item:
In the event of damage we will provide you with reliable support, repair service and low-cost spare parts.


LEUCHTIE will be placed over the dog`s head as closed ring and turns on and off automatically.
Consequently, for choosing the right size you have to measure the dog`s head circumference, not the neck.
Please put a tape measure tightly around the widest part of the dog’s head, just in front of the ears.
If you don't have a tape measure, please use a piece of string which you can use around the head and then measure with a ruler. Please measure tightly.
Select the LEUCHTIE size closest to this measurement from the list provided.
If you meausure between two sizes, please choose the smaller size preferably.

LEUCHTIE Plus, Premium, Plus Easy Charge, Pro Easy Charge & Premium Easy Charge:
35 / 37,5 / 40 / 42,5 / 45 / 47,5 / 50 / 52,5 / 55 / 57,5 / 60 / 62,5 / 65 / 70 cm
For sizes smaller than 35 cm please choose LEUCHTIE Mini.

LEUCHTIE – handcrafted in Germany

Our aim: Safety for dogs and humans

Already since 2003 we have been crafting LEUCHTIEs in our small manufactory in Weiden, Bavaria, completely by hand. For this we use self-developed, highly specialized tools.We place the highest demands not only on the production, but also on the material used: Almost all the installed parts are custom-made products developed together with our regional suppliers.
We have always aimed the greatest safety possible for both dogs and humans. To ensure this objective we make them clearly visible in the dark on all sides and over large distances.
This makes LEUCHTIE stand for highest-quality LED collars ensuring the maximum functionality.
Ever since 2003 we continue to develop and refine LEUCHTIE with our own dogs and in cooperation with rescue dogs units – obviously in practice, not desk-based.

Trust LEUCHTIE for the safety of your dog - reliable and proven hundreds of thousands of times since 2003.


Colour:dark greengreen
Size:35 cm
Výdrž batérie (cca):100 hodín
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